Fourth volume of the new series “Concepts of the digital image”, edited by Hanni Geiger and Julian Stalter.
Digital images are fluid. They are changeable, processual and permeable, transcend and question identities, break down categories or liquefy rigid spatial concepts. The modern, western ordering systems of nature, man and culture are constantly being renegotiated and deconstructed in the digital image. This issue approaches the phenomenon of the fluid digital image, which comments on, criticises and shapes the analogue world, from multiple perspectives.
Citation recommended:
Geiger, H., Stalter, J.: Fluidität (Begriffe des digitalen Bildes, hrsg. v. H. Kohle, H. Locher), Bd. 4, Wien: Buchschmiede, 2023.
ISBN: 978-3-99152-814-2
#digitalesbildkuratieren #dasdigitalebild #thedigitalimage