Heftreihe "Begriffe des digitalen Bildes":
Zweiter Teilband: "Navigation"

Zweiter Band der neuen Schriftenreihe “Begriffe des digitalen Bildes”, herausgegeben von Inge Hinterwaldner, Daniela Hönigsberg und Konstantin Mitrokhov.

Web browsers prescribe the ways we access and navigate knowledge and communities online. Since the 1990s browser software has been an arena for artistic interventions ranging from quirky standalone browsers to performative pieces to minimalist browser add-ons. The (im)possibility of navigation is not taken for granted and is probed, questioned, and reformulated through such software practices. We propose navigation as a mode of exploring interactive software that allows researchers to collectively document manifold facets of artists’ browsers.


Ausschnitt: The Crack. GVN908 (DOI: 10.5282/ubm/epub.93528)

Mit Beiträgen von:

Inge Hinterwaldner, Daniela Hönigsberg, Konstantin Mitrokhov, Maria M. Hedblom, Anne Dippel, Martina Richter, Sonja Fizek, Mirjam Mayer, Hendrik Wache, Sarah Hönigsberg und Barbara Dinter.

Empfohlene Zitierweise:
Hinterwaldner, I.; Hönigsberg, D.; Mitrokhov, K.: Navigation (Begriffe des digitalen Bildes, hrsg. v. H. Kohle, H. Locher), Bd. 2, Hildesheim, München 2022. 

DOI: 10.5282/ubm/epub.93518 (Open Access)
ISBN: 978-3-487-16315-4

#navigation #dasdigitalebild #thedigitalimage

Einzelbeiträge des Bandes:

Users’ perspectives: Dealing with JODI’s %WRONG Browser.co.kr.
Inge Hinterwaldner, Daniela Hönigsberg, Konstantin Mitrokhov

Domains of Navigation. A brief sketch of the concept along the lines of agency, means and topology in navigation processes as they are used in other domains and discourses
Inge Hinterwaldner, Daniela Hönigsberg, Konstantin Mitrokhov

Documenting %WRONG Browser .co.kr.
Daniela Hönigsberg

Methodological reflection of the documentalysis of .co.kr from the %WRONG Browser series
Maria M. Hedblom

Descending into detail – a top-down approach to documenting JODI’s %WRONG Browser (co.kr.exe)
Martina Richter

Relational Documents: Capturing Inter-activity of %WRONG Browser
Konstantin Mitrokhov

A piece of flash
Anne Dippel

The crack. GVN908

Reading Between the Lines. JODI’s %WRONG Browser .co.kr. A First-Person Perspective “Meta-Game”
Sonia Fizek

Process on Display. Navigating through Flashing Light
Mirjam Mayer

Meta-forensics: Is it possible to get %WRONG Browser right?
Inge Hinterwaldner

How to Capture an ARTifact from the Information Systems Perspective
Hendrik Wache, Sarah Hönigsberg, Barbara Dinter


Gestaltung und Satz: Lydia Kähny und Sophie Ramm